Aluminum Reverse Thread Reducing Couplers

US Coupler's stepped couplings are a variation of our reverse threaded aluminum coupling described in another section and are used to connect two different sizes of innerduct.

US Coupler's stepped couplings are a variation of our reverse threaded aluminum coupling described in another section and are used to connect two different sizes of innerduct.

Listed items are standard, but custom sizes can be made!

Aluminum couplers should NOT be installed under the following conditions:
* In wet environments or submerged in water.
* In strong acidic or alkaline environments outside the PH range of 4 to 8.
* Near salt water or direct exposure to road salt run off.
* In concrete or cement stabalized sand.
Consult your project engineer.

Aluminum Reverse Thread Reducing Couplers

Part # Description Duct Type Wall Type
ASR1.660-1.315 1 1/4" - 1" Aluminum Reverse Threaded Reducing Coupler SDR Smooth
ASR1.900-1.315 1 1/2" - 1" Aluminum Reverse Threaded Reducing Coupler SDR Smooth
ASR1.900-1.660 1 1/2" - 1 1/4" Aluminum Reverse Threaded Reducing Coupler SDR Smooth
ASR2.375-1.315 2" - 1" Aluminum Reverse Threaded Reducing Coupler SDR Smooth
ASR2.375-1.660 2" - 1 1/4" Aluminum Reverse Threaded Reducing Coupler SDR Smooth
ASR2.375-1.900 2" - 1 1/2" Aluminum Reverse Threaded Reducing Coupler SDR Smooth
Spec Sheet